Amara A. - Sponsor Now

Amara A.

Place Bo

Age 7

Gender Male

Favorite Color White

Favorite Subject at School Creative Practical Art

Favorite Activity or Game Storytelling

Grade Nursery School

Future desired career Doctor

Number of Sisters 1

Number of Brothers 4

Amara has four brothers and a sister.  Both of his parents are subsistence farmers; they plant rice and vegetables for survival and to support their kids. They are low-income earners; they earn below minimum wage. They struggle to meet their children's needs. Amara lives in Bo town, in the southern province of Sierra Leone. His community is separated from other communities by miles, streams, and rough roads. His community is deprived of basic necessities such as good healthcare, electricity, tap water, and financial services. The absence of electricity makes it very difficult for kids like Amara to study at night.

He is attending the Saint Purse school in Bo and he is in Nursery one (1). His favorite subject at school is Creative practical art. Amara dreams of becoming a medical doctor in the future. He wants to cure his community of diseases such as Malaria.