Sheku - 0 of 3 Shares Sponsored


Place Kamawornie

Age 18

Gender Male

Favorite Subject at School English

Favorite Activity or Game Football

Grade Senior Secondary School

Future desired career Politician

Number of Sisters 4

Number of Brothers 4

Sheku lives in a mudhouse with a zinc roof with his eight family members in the Kamawornie village of Karena District in northern Sierra Leone. Communities are separated by many miles, streams, and rough roads. This isolation means residents of the Kamawornie village often lack access to social services, such as quality healthcare or financial services., electricity, and water. Villagers most often fetch water from the nearby river, streams, and swamps.

His father and mother are local farmers. Both parents are low-income earners and struggle to meet the needs of their kids. Sheku attends Karmawonie Junior Secondary School, where he is in SSS1. He likes English. In the future, Sheku wants to become a politician in the future.