Marie - 3 of 3 Shares Sponsored


Place Kamawornie

Age 13

Gender Female

Favorite Color Yellow

Favorite Subject at School Mathematics

Favorite Activity or Game Reading

Number of Sisters 2

Number of Brothers 1

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Marie lives with her three siblings and her mom in a mud and thatch-roofed house in Kamawornie, a remote village in northern Sierra Leone. Her father died when she was only three years old. As a single parent, her mother farms.

Communities in this region are separated by many miles, streams, and rough roads. This isolation means people who live here often lack access to electricity, clean water, and quality healthcare. The absence of clean water forces the villagers to fetch water from nearby river, streams, and swamps. The absence of electricity makes it very difficult for school-going kids like Marie to study at night.

Marie dreams of becoming a nurse in the future to help take care of sick people.