Onike - 2 of 3 Shares Sponsored


Place Freetown

Age 18

Gender Female

Favorite Color blue

Favorite Subject at School Mathematics

Favorite Activity or Game singing and dancing

Number of Sisters 0

Number of Brothers 4

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Onike lives with her parents and four brothers in a single-room home with no electricity at the Hilltop Tree planting community located in Freetown. This community is populated and prone to erosion and other environmental disaster during the rains.  Access to clean water supply is a challenge for the community, they get their water from the streams nearby and wells in the neighborhood. 

Onike has special needs and requires a tutor to help in school.  She is steadily improving and has forged positive relationships with her classmates and is adored by everyone in the school. Her writing skills have shown significant improvement compared to the previous academic year, and she can now write fluently and spell her name correctly. There are a few areas where Onike requires additional support. Despite her remarkable progress, she struggles to copy from the blackboard accurately and she tends to participate more actively during one-on-one sessions with her teacher, rather than in a classroom setting.

She enjoys hairdressing and hopes to be a hairdresser when she grows up.


Published Fri, Jul 23, 21. Written by Amy Baty-Herbert.

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