Treasure J - Sponsor Now

Treasure J

Place Makeni

Age 9

Gender Male

Favorite Color Blue

Favorite Subject at School Mathematics and Creative Practical Arts

Favorite Activity or Game Drawing, watching tv and riding bikes

Grade Class 3

Number of Sisters 0

Number of Brothers 0

Treasure is an only child and lives with his parents in a single room in a large compound that has 30 other tenants.  They live in Makeni, which a small town in north-central Sierra Leone. Makeni is in a sparsely populated area of the country and, while the largest town in the area, still has poor sanitation and water supply.

His mother runs a small grocery store while his father attends a local university, The Institute of Public Administration and Management.  While the family dreams of better days ahead, they currently struggle to meet their day-to-day needs, including Treasure's school fees.

Treasure attends the local primary school; his favorite subject is Mathematics, and he loves to draw. He tells us that he hopes to become a doctor someday.